02. Introduction
Welcome to React & Redux
Welcome to the course on Redux! There's no doubt that Redux and the Redux ecosystem is a powerful skill to have in your arsenal. However, it is not a topic for beginners and can be a daunting area to break into. We've broken down your path to learning Redux into the following lessons:
- Lesson 1 - Managing State
- Lesson 2 - UI + Redux
- Lesson 3 - Redux Middleware
- Lesson 4 - Redux with React
- Lesson 5 - Asynchronous Redux
- Lesson 6 - react-redux
- Lesson 7 - Real World Redux
Lesson 1 - Managing State
You’ll learn techniques to make your state more predictable by moving your state to a central location and establishing strict rules for getting, listening, and updating that state.
Lesson 2 - UI + Redux
You’ll learn to move away from having state live in the DOM by creating a vanilla JavaScript application whose state is managed entirely by Redux.
Lesson 3 - Redux Middleware
You’ll learn to create custom middleware and add it to your Redux store. This middleware will allow you to enhance your store by hooking into and intercepting actions before they reach any reducers.
Lesson 4 - Redux with React
You’ll learn how to add React to a Redux application and have the state of that application be managed by Redux.
Lesson 5 - Asynchronous Redux
You’ll learn to better abstract asynchronous events by creating your own custom Thunk middleware and adding it to your store.
Lesson 6 - react-redux
You’ll learn to leverage the react-redux bindings in order to leverage the benefits of a UI library like React and a state management library like Redux.
Lesson 7 - Real World Redux
You’ll take your knowledge of Redux and utilize it by building a real world Redux application. You’ll also learn advanced Redux topics like reducer composition and normalization.
Follow Your Instructors
The Redux ecosystem is changing often! If you want to hear breaking news about Redux, potential changes to its API, conferences and meetups to attend, or just check out some projects, follow your instructors: